Welcome to the
Shiftogether supports executives and companies in the areas of:
Talent & Career Management
Mental Health Management & Work-life Balance
Leadership & Management Development
Soft Skills
by offering personalised Coaching, Mentoring & Training Programs in those 4 areas of expertise.
we adapt to your needs
By offering Coaching, Mentoring & Training Programs, Shiftogether adapts its formats to the needs of its clients.
Shiftogether proposes a diversity of formats that allow everyone to grow and learn at their own pace (individual coaching, workshops, consulting, public speaking & podcast).
Boost your career and develop the skills needed to achieve success
Here are our Career & Leadership Programs:
Boost your Employability and stay on track
Lead Your Career with Purpose
Achieve Work-life Balance while staying a high performer
Create Your B Plan
Acquire the Leadership & Soft skills to succeed in your career
How to communicate with impact?
How to navigate in turbulent times and increase your resilience?
Develop an Inspiring Company Culture
Here are the topics we can work together (team trainings & workshops):
Mental health at Work
Stress Management & Work-life Balance
Soft skills for a more agile and collaborative culture
Leadership skills for engaging teams (managerial positions)
Skills Talent Management
Communication Abilities
Multicultural cross-communication skills
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